Answer 4: Levofloxacin in community-acquired pneumonia trials

20 June, 2018



Studies with fluoroquinolones, such as levofloxacin, have proved landmarks in clinical trial history (6, 13-16). For example, levofloxacin administered initially intravenously in mild-to-moderate CAP (13) and moderate-to-severe CAP (14) demonstrated excellent results compared with ceftriaxone (with or without additional macrolide therapy). In oral studies, levofloxacin proved comparable to amoxicillin-clavulanic acid, with clinical responses of 95% and pneumococcal eradication of 100% in both groups (15). Among immunocompromized patients with CAP, a recent chart review analysis demonstrated inclusion of levofloxacin in empirical regimens to reduce length of stay in hospital (LOS) and mortality: monotherapy also resulted in significantly shorter LOS than with conventional therapy, 5 days versus 9 days (p = 0.001) and reduced mortality (p = 0.02) (17).