Quinolones Are Not All the Same: Different Safety Profiles for Specific Compounds (Highlights of a Special Roundtable Discussion)

21 June, 2018
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History of Quinolones and Their Side Effects
com_rubin Professor Ethan Rubinstein
Department of Internal Medicine and
Unit of Infectious Diseases,
Tel Aviv University School of Medicine,
Tel Aviv, Israel
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Comparison of Side Effects of Levofloxacin vs. Other Fluoroquinolones
com_carbon Professor Claude Carbon
Internal Medicine Unit,
Bichat-Claude Bernard Hospital,
Paris, France
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A Comparison of Side Effects of Levofloxacin to other Agents in Regard to the Ecological and Microbiological Effects on Normal Human Flora
Professor Jacques F. Acar
Laboratoire de Microbiologie Médical,
Fondation Hôpital Saint-Joseph
Paris, France
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Evidence of Different Profiles of Side Effects and Drug-Drug Interactions among the Quinolones: The Pharmacokinetic Standpoint
com_lode Professor Hartmut Lode
Department of Chest and Infectious Diseases,
City Hospital Berlin-H-Heckshorn
Berlin, Germany
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Latest Industry Information on the Safety Profile of Levofloxacin in the US
com_kahn Dr James Kahn
Infectious Disease Research,
Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical Inc.,
Raritan, NJ, USA
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Latest Industry Information on the Safety Profile of Levofloxacin in Japan
com_yagawa Dr Katsuro Yagawa
Drug Safety Administration Department,
Daiichi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.,
Tokyo, Japan
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